The Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development examines three key life stages from a sociological perspective, exploring how enduring experiences, as well as transitions and events such as childcare, education, stress, marriage, career, addiction, friendship, parenthood, disease, spirituality, and retirement influence the individual’s life course. The life stages examined are: Childhood and Adolescence; Adulthood; and Later Life.

The Encyclopedia of the Great Depression encompasses nearly two decades of American history, beginning with the farm crisis of the mid-1920s, through the 1929 stock market crash, the gradual recovery during the 1930s with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal and World War II. This wide-ranging, multidisciplinary encyclopedia features entries on depression-era politics, government, business, economics, literature, the arts, society and culture.

The STAT-USA Office will cease operation on September 30, 2010. The STAT-USA database will not be available after that date. This includes the State of the Nation and the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB) resources.

For more than 25 years, the Office of the U.S. Department of Commerce through the STAT-USA database provided the business community with one place to go to access an extensive collection of U.S. economic and finance data, international trade statistics, and market research reports. Divided into two main areas, State of the Nation (SotN) tracked the U.S. economy while GLOBUS & NTDB provided international coverage with country and market research reports.

We have created a guide that captures the URLs of all the data pages from which STAT-USA pulled information. You can find it on the Library Guides page or click on this tiny url:

The STAT-USA Office of the US Department of Commerce will cease operation on September 30, 2010. The STAT-USA database will not be available after that date. This includes the State of the Nation and the National Trade Data Bank.

STAT-USA has provided a transition page that identifies the sources of the data in the STAT-USA database.

If you have any questions, please contact your subject librarian.

OSU Libraries has set up a trial of Cambridge Histories Online, produced by Cambridge University Press. This trial will run through June 17, 2010.

Cambridge Histories Online is the online version of the Cambridge Histories reference series, dating back to the 1960s.

Key Features:

  • Contains over 260 volumes published since 1960, equating to around 196,000 pages of unrivalled scholarship
  • Unique & dynamic content
  • Covers over 15 different academic subjects
  • Search and browse content (basic & advanced search and a content specific browse)
  • Personalisation including, saved & most recent searches, workspaces and bookmarks
  • Citation export functionality
  • Comprehensive librarian support resources including, COUNTER compliant usage statistics, library branding, MARC records and title lists
  • User display control features including, switchable hit term highlighting, pagination of results and the ability to control the number of hits per page
  • Extensive bibliographic reference functionality; fully referenced content with all references displayed, OpenURL compliant and linked online through CrossRef

Comments on this database trial can be submitted using the Electronic Resource Evaluation Form.

The Getty Research institute is now making the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) available free of charge.

BHA has been used informally to refer to a group of databases: RAA, RILA, BHA, and IBA. The data available on the Getty Web site as of April 1, 2010, comprises two databases: BHA and IBA. BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art/Bibliographie d’histoire de l’art) covers the years 1990-2007; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in French or English and all subject terms in French and English. IBA (International Bibliography of the History of Art) covers 2008 and part of 2009; the Getty Web version includes all records with abstracts in English and all subject terms in French and English. A third database will be added to the Getty Web site during the coming months: RILA (Répertoire de la litterature de l’art), which covers 1975–1989. At present, the Getty has no plans to add RAA (Répertoire d’art et d’archéologie), which covers 1973–1989.

OSU Libraries now has online access to the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Online

This online version of the 90th edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics provides broad coverage of all types of physical science data commonly encountered by scientists and engineers, with as much depth as can be accommodated in a one-volume format.

In addition to offering the full text of the print edition in searchable pdf format, this Internet Version 2010 presents the major tables of numerical data in the form of interactive tables that can be sorted, filtered, and combined in various ways. Substances in these tables can be retrieved by searching on name, formula, CAS Registry Number, or chemical structure, and such a search can be combined with a request for a desired property.

Many new tables and updates are included in the 90th Edition, especially in the following areas:
Fluid properties – new data over a wider temperature and pressure range for
– Water (including D2O) and steam
– Air
– Refrigerants and other important industrial fluids
Biochemistry – new tables on
– Enzyme catalyzed reactions
– Structure and functions of common drugs
– Chemical constituents of human blood
Analytical chemistry – new and expanded tables on
– Proton NMR shifts for solvents and other fluids
– Mass spectral peaks
– Nuclear moments and other data for NMR spectroscopy
– Aqueous solubility of organic compounds
Astronomy and geophysics – new data on
– Properties of the planets and their satellites
– Major world earthquakes, 850 AD to 2008
– Interstellar molecules
Other new and expanded tables
– International recommendations for the expression of uncertainty of measurements
– Description of the new IUPAC chemical identifier (InChI)
– Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistry
– Threshold limits for airborne contaminants

OSU Libraries now has access to the following electronic reference titles from Gale through the Oregon Statewide Database Licensing Program:


  • Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students – Covers an extensive array of topics on ancient Greece and Rome including daily life, art and architecture, philosophy, science, religion, statesmen, military leaders, emperors, and more.
  • Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion – A survey of clothing, costume and fashion, presented through 640 essays, arranged alphabetically. Coverage includes the origins of clothing and body adornment, the development of fabrics and technologies, and the social meanings of dress, as well as representative costumes from a wide range of historical eras. For students and researchers at the high-school level or higher.
  • Encyclopedia of Education – Offers a complete view of the institutions, people, processes, roles, and philosophies in educational practice in the United States and throughout the world. Features biographies of influential educators; profiles of historic colleges and universities and of organizations active in the field; and an appendix of full text source documents, including education related legislation, international treaties, and testing methods.
  • Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire – A survey of European history from the onset of the French Revolution to the outbreak of World War. Alphabetically arranged entries cover the period’s most significant personalities and meaningful developments in the arts, religion, politics, exploration, and warfare. For students, scholars, and general readers.
  • Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction – A survey of European history from the beginning of World War I in 1914 to the present, presented through alphabetically arranged entries that focus on the period’s scientific, social and cultural history as well as the political, military and economic developments. For students and general readers.
  • Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health – Provides detailed information on mental disorders and conditions. Also features entries for prescription, alternative and over-the-counter drugs, as well as the various therapies used to treat mental disorders.

Reference Libraries

  • Middle Ages Reference Library – How did the Sunni Shiite split in medieval times bring about modern tensions between Iran and Iraq? Middle Ages Reference Library helps students answer this question and many other enigmas by encouraging them to see how events and ideas are linked.
  • World War I Reference Library – Comprehensive coverage of the historical events, people, and documents of World War I in a straightforward manner that will be easily understood by middle and high school students.
  • World War II Reference Library – Provides background and information on major topics about the World War II period, biographies of significant men and women involved in the war, and primary sources such as full or excerpted speeches, diary entries, newspaper accounts and other original documents.

Social Issues Primary Sources Collections

  • Crime and Punishment – Explores the development, diversity, and duality of attitudes and arguments related to crime and punishment.
  • Environmental Issues – Offers insights into the origins of environmental consciousness, the complexities of environmental science, and the sometimes contentious arguments surrounding environmental issues.
  • Family in Society – Provides readings into two centuries of changes in concepts, representations, and roles of the family in society.
  • Gender Issues and Sexuality – Provides insight into the personal, social, and political issues of gender and sexuality–issues that range from intimate matters of personal belief to matters that profoundly shape modern society.
  • Government, Politics, and Protest – Explores the causes and nature of protest as well as the historical tension between protest and government, including underlying causes.
  • Human and Civil Rights – Covers the universal guarantees of security of person and freedom of conscience for all individuals regardless of nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, or gender.
  • Immigration and Multiculturalism – Offers insight into two centuries of global changes in populations and cultures.
  • Medicine, Bioethics, and Health – Explores the development, diversity, and linking of science and ethics as embodied in medical advances, social policy, and law.
  • Social Policy – Explores how governments and groups have developed and implemented social policies that have shaped societies and influenced social justice and social change.
  • Terrorism – Provides insight into the scale and complexities of terrorism across a sweeping landscape of time, geography, act, and motive.

Other Reference Sources

  • Real-Life Math – Provides an understanding of commonly studied math concepts by illustrating their use in everyday life in everyday tasks, such as buying insurance, constructing a budget, reading graphs, adjusting cooking recipes or planning for retirement. Topics are designed to support the modern mathematics curriculum and contain examples related to the global economy.
  • Witchcraft in America – Covers the history of witchcraft in the United States from the hysteria that facilitated the witch hunts during the colonial period to modern day followers of Wicca.